Department of Health & Social Care
A three month discovery into the impact a Skills Passport would have on the nation’s social care sector.
User research • UX design
I led and coordinated the research and design part of a discovery for the DHSC with a team of five researchers and designers. The Discovery looked at the possibility of introducing a new digital resource to capture the learning and development of social care staff, and facilitate the portability of training undertaken, something that up till then did not exist. We explored with employees, employers and training providers the widespread appeal, likely acceptance and requirements/barriers for the adoption of a ‘digital passport for skills’ in adult social care.

Interviews & persona creation
After establishing the problems statements with the DHSC we were able to create interview scripts and took this out to 40+ interviewees across the social care sector. The results of these interviews helped us to built the archetype personas which we build from later on.

Experience maps
The experience maps allowed for the first time the DHSC to see the issues that workers in the social care setting were experiencing and how that was affecting them. Some of the findings showed how detrimental the current system is at a time of reduced staffing due to economic and visa issues.

Site maps & user flows
The production of the experience maps allowed us the ability to co-create with the DHSC team to understand what a potential solution would look like. This meant we could built first draft site maps and user flows to inform the creation of concepts and prototypes. This process went through multiple iterations before we felt we had something we were comfortable to build on.

Prototypes for concept testing
Using the GDS toolkit we built multiple working prototypes to test with users so they could understand and feedback on the concept. We took these prototypes out to approximately 20 participants.

Discovery report
The final was around 100 pages that detailed all the research findings as well as an Alpha plan for research if the DHSC chose to take the project forward.